My opinion about violence on television
Violence on television is a very old topic when it comes to discussions about media. It has been studied by many intelectuals, some saying that it is completely wrong and shouldn't exist, and other that it is okay as long as it has some limits to it. I think I relate more to that second idea.
To get this point completely out of the way from the start, I don't think violence is good in any way when it comes to solving problems in real life. As inteligent people, I think we should be able to get around and fix our problems by pacific means, and not extreme ones like wars or police intervention.
However, when it comes to media, I think the story is different. When talking about fiction, I believe that violence is a valuable storytelling element that can help to get a point across or raise the stakes in a variety of situations, and should not be demonized only because of its origin. Differente kinds of stories need different kinds of storytelling, and violence is a good tool when it comes to conveying action. When it is non-ficiton media, I think violence should be shown as long as it is integral to what is being shown.
An important point to this discussion is how much violence is being shown, and in what fashion. I think that the use of violence depends on the story being told, and how much it needs to be shown to get a point across. I think a balance should be found between the narrative as a whole and how much violence it uses. I also think that impressionable people like children shoudln't be exposed to a lot of violent media, and definitelly not if they are not supervised.
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