
Mostrando entradas de noviembre, 2020

Changes I would make to my study programme

As of november 2020, I'm studying a journalism career in the University of Chile. I've been studying this for the last four years, and to be honest, I have a very critical point of view towards the programme we have. This programme is actually pretty new, and if I'm right, my generation was the first one to have it. I don't know how it was before I joined. First of, I want to say some positive things about the programme. We have a five year-long programme, which in my opinion, is the precise time necessary to get to know most of the important stuff to use once we are out. I also think that the focus on practical  over teorical learning is a really good idea, which is reflected in the way that each class has more out of class hours of work compared to the in class work hours. This also translates in a bigger workload, but most teachers are very attentive when a student needs help.  However, I think the study programme has a very big problem in how it divides the differen...

My opinion about violence on television

Violence on television is a very old topic when it comes to discussions about media. It has been studied by many intelectuals, some saying that it is completely wrong and shouldn't exist, and other that it is okay as long as it has some limits to it. I think I relate more to that second idea. To get this point completely out of the way from the start, I don't think violence is good in any way when it comes to solving problems in real life. As inteligent people, I think we should be able to get around and fix our problems by pacific means, and not extreme ones like wars or police intervention.  However, when it comes to media, I think the story is different. When talking about fiction, I believe that violence is a valuable storytelling element that can help to get a point across or raise the stakes in a variety of situations, and should not be demonized only because of its origin. Differente kinds of stories need different kinds of storytelling, and violence is a good tool when ...

My future job

In my future, I would really like to have a job as a radio host. It is a job that I think it’s really fun, talking with people or announcing stuff live to a big audience. In the little experience I’ve had at the moment, it’s something I love and would like to do again. How can I say so if I had never had an oficial job at the radio? Well, right now, I’m studying journalism in the University of Chile, and during my second year I had the chance to do several radio programs with my friends as part of a class, and it was a blast! We made a program about animation, called “Amoniacos”, and I was te main host. I had an amazing time reading the news, interviewing people and generally joking around in the studio. Sadly, our study program doesn’t have any more classes about radio or anything like that, so I couldn’t continue with that.  Well, the job as a radio host is completely indoors. It’s done in studio, so I wouldn’t travel a lot if I had it. I think that’s a fair trade off though. Abo...